General Information

Attendance Contact:

Absentee Hotline: 610-351-5900 Extension 29711

Absentee Email:


  • During bus drop-off and pick-up, it is not permissible to park in the lot at the front of the school.
  • When dropping off a child in the morning, please drive into the side lot, pull up as much as possible, and remain in your vehicle while your child exits quickly.  Students are not permitted to enter the building before 8:35 a.m.  as there is no supervision provided.
  • If your child is arriving after 8:50 a.m., you must come into the office and sign him/her in.
  • If your child is to be picked up at dismissal time, please use the side lot, remain in your car. We will dismiss students to the car.
  • For safety and security reasons, parents are not permitted to escort any child to the classroom. If assistance is needed, someone will be available to direct him/her. When bringing in snacks or treats, please drop them in the office and we will make sure they get to the classroom. To help, please label all snacks and belongings with your child’s first and last name.
  • All students will ride the bus to and from school each day. If you need to make alternative arrangements, you must send the request to school so that the teacher is aware of any changes. The teacher will share this with the office. If you need to call the school office to make changes, please try to call before 3:00 p.m. to ensure the message gets the the classroom teacher. Without prior notification, all students will be placed on the bus.


  • Staff will utilize virtual meeting tools (Google Meet) to conduct meetings with visitors to the greatest extent feasible. Examples include but are not limited to parent/guardian meetings and IEP meetings.
  • Visitors and volunteers are by appointment only and with the authorization of administration.
  • All authorized visitors will follow the  Indoor Face Covering Decision Making Matrix.
  • All visitors will use the QR code to complete an electronic health form prior to receiving administrative approval to enter. 
  • PTO meetings will be held virtually. 


The elementary school is always locked , and all visitors are required to enter the school through the main entrance.  The Parkland School District has initiated a security protocol, which may require all visitors, including parents, to show identification upon arrival.  Be prepared to show your identification.

After you buzz into the school and enter the school, we ask that you remain in this vestibule area. This vestibule waiting area is where you will:

  • sign in a student if late or returning to school from an appointment
  • sign out a student if he/she is leaving school early
  • drop off papers for the school office
  • drop off forgotten lunches/instruments
  • drop off papers for our PTO
  • pick up your student’s homework
  • pick up your child from the nurse
  • meet the Nurse to drop off medication for your child.

If you have a meeting or a scheduled appointment inside the school, please share that with the school secretary when you first buzz in.  The office staff will then buzz you through a second set of doors to gain entrance into the main office.  It is a possibility you will not gain entrance into the school if no appointment was made, if there is insufficient information regarding the purpose of the visit, or you do not have an acceptable form of ID.


Also, for building security measures, Veterans Memorial Elementary School is open until 4:00 PM.  This is important to remember if you are picking up homework for your child because of an absence. The building is closed after 4:00. 

 PLEASE ALERT OR CALL OUR MAIN OFFICE (610) 351-5910 WITH ANY NEW CUSTODY AGREEMENTS OR REVISIONS.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.  Students will be only be released to their custodial parent unless written or verbal permission from the custodial parent is received to do otherwise.


Visit Parkland Food Service for menus and prices.

Parkland School District has made it faster and easier for parents to apply for free and reduced meals!

This free service enables families to receive program benefits faster than using the paper application. Your application is electronically submitted directly to the child nutrition office for processing.


The MYSCHOOLBUCKS System can be used in our school cafeteria to assist parents and students in managing lunch money.

Signing up is free, simple, and secure.  You get low balance alerts and you can pay on the go.

No deposits (cash or checks) will be accepted at school this year.  Checks made payable to PSD Cafeteria will be accepted at the food services office, located at The Troxell Building 2219 N. Cedar Crest Blvd., Allentown 18104.

You will be alerted when students have a low balance.  If an account reaches a negative balance, a letter requesting additional money will be sent home.  Please keep your balance up to date.


There will be no food or non-edible birthday treats exchanged in school.  Also, birthday invitations will not be exchanged in school this year.


If you chose Parkland transportation:

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for students and drivers on each bus/van.
  • Drivers will have extra masks for students who do not have face coverings.
  • Until further notice, there will be no field trips
  • Buses will operate with a maximum of two students per seat.
  • Siblings should sit together on the bus.
  • Elementary School buses will be loaded back to front except for kindergarten and first grade students who will sit in the front of the bus.
  • The bus drivers will sanitize buses with sprayer using disinfectant solution after the morning runs and following the end of the day runs.
  • Students should socially distance while loading and exiting the bus and while waiting at their bus stop.
  • The bus drivers will air out the bus/van before and after runs, weather permitting.


Students may enter the building at 8:35 a.m. The school day is from 8:50 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. School begins promptly at 8:50, so please make sure your child(ren)are here on time and ready to begin working at 8:50.

 Vacation/Emergency Forms

If an absence is known in advance, such as vacation time, please fill out the form. Requests for forms can be made in the office. Some blank forms will be sent home the first day of school.

 Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals

Any student arriving late to school (after 8:50 a.m.) must be escorted by an adult to the office.  There, the adult will “sign in” the child.  Please DO NOT drop off your child to enter the building alone after 8:50 a.m.

  • If a student needs to be dismissed earlier than the regular school day, a parent or guardian must come to the office and “sign out” the child. Written requests should be given to the classroom teacher in the morning.
  • The school needs written or verbal permission to dismiss a student any differently from the regular transportation.
vmes mascot  the eagle

Elementary Handbook

First page of the PDF file: elem_handbook